Sunday, 17 August 2014

Holiday in Devon!

We have both just come back from a week long holiday in Paignton, Devon. It was so much fun! We have been a few times together and stayed at the same place so it brings back tons of memories!

The weather was fab all week long which was a bonus! We took so many photos, so here are some of the highlights of the holiday!

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Our holiday video

Throughout our holiday in Devon (blogpost to follow!) we filmed short videos of what we got up to so we could make it into a long holiday vlog/music video type thing! You can watch it here:

We are hopefully going to be making more of these so check out this one and let us know if you like it!

The song used is "The Island" by Box of Light, a really cool band fronted by Helen Anderson (melonladybaby)! Check out their music on their YouTube channel here:

Ellie and Abby x